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The MPX Mine Production Management solution is a modern software system used to track material tonnes and grades as well as plant and equipment performance from the mining face to its stockpile destination. MPX is used to perform data audit, reporting and reconciliation at any stage throughout the mining, stockpiling, and processing stages and gives you end-to-end visibility. Up-to-date information is paramount for making effective operational decisions – many mines are drowning in data and spreadsheets, leading to delays in understanding what’s happening on a daily basis from mine to mill.
- Mine production reporting puts you in control
- Single source of truth
- Easy to Use software
- Cost effective
- Rapid deployment
- Flexible production reports
- Supported by experience mining production management professionals
Our production management reporting capabilities:
Our team of software engineers, mine production consultants, and mine and exploration geologists have developed the MPX Mine Production Management software. It is a flexible solution to capture, analyse and report the Key Performance Indicators for any kind of mining operation.
Our current clients include surface and underground miners in Australia, South-East Asia, and Africa.
The MPX product has been developed over many years with input from mining professionals – engineers, geologists, managers – with extensive experience in surface and underground mines at all stages of the project.
We have industry leading capability in material blending, grade control, and mining reconciliation at any stage of the process – from in situ source data to process plant.
Fundamental to effective production management is the management of the flow of material through stockpiles, and key mining activities such as drill and blast, equipment utilisation, and other activities.
Material movement and equipment data is easily added to the system from a wide variety of sources and mine production workflows. Our graphical data configuration tools make it simple to add data from new sources.
We have an extensive library of out-of-the-box reports for your requirements as well as tools to create the necessary custom reporting that every operation needs.
Use our standard suite of dashboards or configure new dashboards to meet your special production management and reporting requirements.